The Fountain of Youth

Video - KCRG-TV9 Story Above is a link recently done on the Fountain of Youth Program. It is about two minutes long, but makes a powerful point. The Fountain of Youth seeks to "eradicate Generational Poverty Thinking one youth and young adult at a time." They do this with "education and application of sustainable economic... Continue Reading →

Back to School Introductions

Hello everyone! As we all see our kids heading back to school, looking towards the fall and winter and all the fun things that a new school year entails, I thought it would be a good time to apply the beginning of the year tradition to our community partners; it is time to introduce the... Continue Reading →

August Events Spotlight

This month has a lot of fun events. As we close the summer, it is very important we enjoy the fruits of our labor as well as set up our success for the fall. Below we have the list of events for August. Check out the links from each organization for more information! 7/30 -... Continue Reading →

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